Sunday, 14 August 2011

Pin Up Embroidery: Girls #8

So my lovely readers I have one final Pin Up to introduce to you before the grand unveiling of the finished skirt. Here she is: Teresa!

Teresa, Pin Up number 8!

I used carnival colours of yellow and red for my final pin up, she looks as if she has just stepped out of a fun fair! I know that I've said this a lot with each of my pin ups, but I really would love a real version of her dress for myself :)

Teresa, Close Up

I also worked a lot of french knots into this final pin up, french knots have definitely become my favourite embroidery embellishment technique through this project. Plus I must admit that I'm proud of how well my french knots turn out now, all the same shape and size :)

The final Pin Up is completed!!!

So there you have it, all the Pin Ups are finished and all that is left for me to do is take my new skirt out on the town! I cannot tell you how happy I am with this finished project and how excited I am to share it with you. For now here's a round up of links to all of my Pin Ups, enjoy them, I'll be posting the finished skirt within the next couple of days!

Pin Up #8 - Teresa

Bye for now!
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