Saturday, 20 August 2011

I made my very own petticoat!

Hi there lovely readers! My goodness you've all made me so very happy over the last couple of days with all your gorgeous comments on my finished Pin Up skirt, I'm so glad that you liked it, I'm loving it :) And I now have another project to share with you, a project that I've been talking about for a very long time. I've finally made myself my very own petticoat!

I used this tutorial, which is absolutely brilliant, incredibly clear and easy to follow and basically a joy to use. It involves gathering 8 yards of fabric into 4 yards into 2 yards into your waist measurement, simples. You also bind your edges in ribbon to make it look all pretty :) Here it is in all it's glory:

Three tiered petticoat

Check out all those bound edges

That's a lot of fabric!

I'm not going to lie this petticoat did take a while in it's construction, you have to cut out a lot of strips of fabric, add fray check, do a whole lot of gathering, and then binding those edges isn't a quick job either, but to be honest I think it's worth it. There are so many different styles that you could try out with this petticoat, using different fabrics, different amounts of layers, different finishing techniques. I used my Austrian organza for this petticoat and I do think it would have worked better if I had used a more substantial fabric as although the petticoat adds a great deal of sticky-outy-ness (yes, that's a technical term) to my full skirts I think I'd like a bit more. I think next time I use this tutorial - and I am sure I will use it again! - I will try using something like a fine tulle (hopefully the finer it is the less itchy it will be!) and a double layer in the largest tier, I think that would really create the optimum amount of sticky-outy-ness :)

I also did a little photo shoot for this petticoat to show you how it changes the line of a dress. I'm wearing my Cream Floral dress (remember that?) as I never actually posted any proper pictures of me wearing it, so it's a two birds, one stone kind of deal :)

Here it is without the petticoat:

Finally, a shot of me in my cream floral dress!

I love this dress and wear it all the time but as you can see the line of the full skirt looks a little lackluster. it's pretty but it definitely needs some body underneath.

I love this dress :)

And now here it is with the petticoat:

Yay for petticoat poofiness!

The petticoat just makes this dress look perfect, filling out the skirt so that it has a nice full finish. Subtle, not too many frills, just enough for day to day wear :)

Posing in my petticoat...

A bit of full skirt action :)

So there you have it, my first foray into petticoat making and it think you'd call it a success. I will be revisiting the tutorial again but for now I'm very happy with my new petticoat, it gives a very welcome ra-ra feel to my wardrobe. Plus it's great fun to swish about it!

Swish + Ra Ra = my petticoat!

Dress - Revamped by me
Petticoat - Made by me
Belt - by Cassie Stephens
Shoes - Jimmy Choo

Happy Weekend everyone!
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