Monday, 1 April 2013

Sew For Victory: My Completed Suit!

Hello there my lovely readers! My goodness it feels like an age since I've posted an completed projects here, clearly I need to dedicate more time to my sewing/knitting! But to make it up to you I have a very exciting project to share with you today: I've finished my 1940s suit for Sew For Victory! And just in the nick of time too, the deadline is today! 

Here it is in all it's glory, and it's pretty safe to say that I'm in love :)

Isn't it fun? I'm genuinely thrilled at well the suit has turned out because I've really been against it with the time! I love how well the skirt and jacket look together - with the matching trim, swoon! - but they would also be great as separates, so they've got options too!

The jacket is definitely my favourite part of the suit, it was a real labour of love, what with having to match all the plaid, all the hand tailoring I did on it (including handmade shoulder pads, 1940s style!) and making and stitching on the bias binding by hand, but the end result is definitely worth it :) The pattern originally asks for two button holes which close the jacket with a clasp, but I love how it looks with the brooch holding it shut. And I have lots of different brooches that would look so cute with this jacket...!

I had some issues with the skirt as I had to resize it a bit (surprisingly I didn't have to resize the jacket) and the wool I chose was a bit of a bugger for showing up marks even when I used a press cloth *ahem* check out that hem *ahem* but I don't really mind too much. It's turned out to be a lovely fitting skirt in a nice staple colour so I can see myself wearing it a lot in the future.

Here's close up shot of the jacket, front and back. My goodness I'm proud of it!

Sew For Victory has been so much fun, I've loved seeing everybody's projects and have throughly enjoyed making mine, hurrah for 1940s sewing! I can definitely see more 1940s patterns in my future :) Tomorrow I will be giving you a more detailed look at the inner workings of my suit, for those of you who like that kind of thing, but until then I hope you like it just as much as I do!

Bye for now!

Katie xxx

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