Hello there my lovely readers! Sorry it's been a little quiet here, I've been uber busy, but this week I have a bumper Wednesday Wonderfuls post for you to make up for it :)
Images, Each Row from Left to Right:1. Styling the snood :) 2. Why I work in a sweetshop! 3. The sweetest brooch 4. Homemade pancakes! 5. A rather festive outfit 6. Cream cheese cinnamon rolls 7. Packing for pattern cutting 8. I made my own meatballs :) 9. Off the the supermarket in glasses and rollers, classy! |
Over the past two weeks I have been:
Hitchcock's "Rebecca" and the lovely Marilyn in "How To Marry a Millionaire" and I loved them both! I think that Rebecca is probably my favourite Hitchcock film so far, it's a beautiful adaptation of the book and Judith Anderson as Mrs Danvers is spine chillingly wonderful. And as for Marilyn in "How To Marry a Millionaire", well, she's inspired me to get a lovely new pair of glasses of my own! I can't wait to get them back from getting their lenses put in so I can wear them out :) We also watched Glorious 39, which I LOVED and the costumes were to die for. If you want to see what I mean then check out this post over at The Butterfly Balcony.
how to draft patterns for trousers! Honestly I can say that taking pattern cutting classes has been one of the most satisfying things I have ever done, I just love it! I have already adjusted my basic trouser block into a capri pattern, so as soon as I find some suitable fabric I'm going to give them a go. Wish me luck!
more plaid, this time for my Sew for Victory suit. This is the third plaid outfit I have made in less than six months, I must be a glutton for punishment!
brooches. It's a real addiction, I just love them! I'm making a nice brooch board to display them all :)
Images, Each Row from Left to Right: 1. New-to-me glasses! 2. My little kitchen garden 3. I cannot wait to sew these! Eek! 4. A sweet little parcel... 5. Valentine's Day with my Sweetheart 6. ...look what was in the parcel! 7. Matching plaid, again! 8. Hot cross bun loaf, swoon! 9. Valentine's Day hair :) |
a collection of short stories by Daphne Du Maurier including the Birds, which have all been brilliant, but they left me a bit freaked out! They are quire chilling and Du Maurier really knows how to work her way into your subconscious :)
my own little kitchen garden (a Christmas gift from my lovely Mum). I'm very excited about having my very own herds to use in my cooking, and although it's only been a few days since they were planted I'm anxious for them to grow already!
how lucky I am to have found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with at only twenty five. Sometimes it takes a little rough patch to remind you just how good you have it, and I really do have it good :) soppy I know, but true all the same!
for better times ahead and seeing the beginnings of them already :)
And here are some of the Wonderfuls of the blogosphere over the past two weeks:
- If you're looking for some hair inspiration then look no further than Solanah's blog post, it's like hairstyle porn!
- I'm quite in love with this jumper, the cherries are so sweet! It's pretty perfect isn't it?
- I've found myself craving cheese recently so I could really get on board with this cheddar cheese bread. I think I can see a midweek baking session coming on... :)
- Gertie's writing another book!!!!! About casual vintage styles!!! I know it's not set to come out until 2014 but I'm still really excited!
Have a wonderful week my lovely readers, I certainly intend to!
Bye for now,
Katie xxx